How to Find JRE installed in linux machine..? | Unix Linux Forums ... By JRE, do you mean a basic java install? That can be checked by running 'which java'. If it is in the path, it will show up. Other ways include ...
Get path to java JRE - Stack Overflow 2010年12月25日 - Having different jre's available (and no path variable set) I would like ask eg. the loader for this. Running on Solaris, Linux, Windows. java ...
How To Set Java Path In Linux? - The Linux Juggernaut 2010年12月10日 - 1 /usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.4.2-gcj/bin/java *+. 2. From above you can see java version and its location. Setting java path(In Temporary way).
WhereIsMyJRE - RepRapWiki 2011年11月29日 - 1 Where Is My JRE. 1.1 What is a JRE? 1.2 Why do I care where my JRE directory is? 1.3 Selecting a JRE. 1.3.1 Ubuntu and Debian Linux ...
Find JRE Itself | Generated exe will find JRE by itself when it runs Introduction Generated exe files can find ... On Linux, 'jvmdll' should be followed by a path to '', e.g.: ...
java - Setting up Eclipse with JRE Path - Stack Overflow You can add this line to eclipse.ini: -vm D:/work/Java/jdk1.6.0_13/bin/javaw.exe
How to Set Path for Java Unix Linux and Windows Before you run any Java program you need to set PATH for Java no matter whether you are running on Windows, Linux or Unix operating system. PATH is not Java concept but its ...